Friday, October 18, 2019

Leadership and management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Leadership and management - Assignment Example The leadership skills within the organization was very poor which resulted in arise of various issues. There have been various changes taking place in the HR Management as well as the learning and development functions in the HR Department. As the Learning and development manager of the Hospital Trust, I have been asked to prepare a draft report for the HR Director. The report would reflect the changes that have been proposed followed by the impact of the existing culture, hierarchical structure and power of the doctors on the proposed changes. A set of recommendations would also be provided in order to reduce the impact of the above mentioned factors on the proposed changes. ... Moreover the leadership skill in the top management level was poor. Proposed Changes The new CEO of the trust has decided to start a process of radical transformation which would make the trust outward looking by means of high levels of employee engagement and external and internal customer service. The streamlining of the Human Resource management & Development is taking place by using various assessment centres in order to determine the suitability of these new roles within the organization. This required recruitment of new staffs because the existing managers failed to get back their positions in the downsized trust. The HR Department of the Trust was also organized with eight HR professionals among whom four were new in the Trust. The Hr Director was expecting that this time they could provide quality service to the external organizations as well as the internal customers. The learning & development programs within the organization were also being changed. Impact of the Hierarchi cal Structure on the Proposed Change Process The hospital trust has bureaucratic hierarchy which resulted in the poor management process within the organization. According to Ashkanasy, Wilderom and Peterson (2011) the bureaucratic hierarchy has discouraged the innovation and creativity within the organization. Under bureaucratic hierarchy, the Trust faced rigid controls. In such case it is very likely that the organization will find it difficult in adapting to the change process taking place. Thus it will provide resistance to the change process and can make the process slow and time consuming. This would de-motivate the employees and provide stronger resistance to the change. Impact of the present culture on the Proposed Change Process The culture of

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